Buying items used can be a fantastic idea. When you buy used, you’ll have the chance to save massive amounts of money. Used prices are usually a lot cheaper than the prices for items that are brand new. If you’re purchasing something like an outboard, for example, buying used could give you a great deal.
With that said, buying used can also be risky. It’s smart to ask questions when buying used outboards. If you ask the right kinds of questions, you’ll be able to get exactly what you want.
How Much Use Has This Outboard Seen?
Buying a used outboard is one thing. Buying a heavily used outboard is something else entirely. Before you commit to buying an outboard, you should figure out how much it has been used.
If an outboard has seen more than a decade of use, it’s probably still functional; outboard motors can last for an incredibly long time. With that said, it may not run as well as you want it to. Motors that have seen less usage tend to offer better performance.
How Much Time Has Passed Since This Outboard Was Last Used?
If an outboard has been sitting around for a very long time, it could have a host of problems. Motors need to be used regularly. If your motor is not getting use, it may be hard to start it up again.
Find out how much time has passed since the motor was last use. If the motor has only been out of the water for a few months, you probably won’t have any problems. If a motor hasn’t been used for years, it may not run reliably. There’s a good chance that you will have some major problems to solve before you can start boating with your new-to-you motor.
Was This Outboard Damaged In Any Way?
If the outboard you have purchased has seen some damage, it could have issues that aren’t visible to the naked eye. In some cases, used outboards were once attached to boats that were damaged. If you’re buying something like this, you should make sure that the outboard is damage-free.
Because there are so many used outboards available for purchase, you shouldn’t have to buy anything that has been damaged. You should be able to buy a motor that is in excellent shape. Check to see if a motor has any damage. If the motor is damaged, you should look for something else. A damaged outboard motor may wind up being more trouble than it is worth.
Was This Outboard Refurbished?
In some cases, the manufacturers of outboards take the time to refurbish old outboards that were sent back to them. Businesses that sell used outboards also follow the same practice. If an outboard was refurbished, it is probably in fantastic shape.
Of all of the questions when buying used outboards, this is one of the most important ones to ask. A refurbished outboard is going to be a better buy than a used outboard. Find out if the outboard you are looking at has been refurbished. You should try to take a closer look at any refurbished products that you see.
Has This Particular Outboard Had Any Issues In The Past?
You don’t want to buy an outboard that is prone to problems. You should try to learn as much as you can about the outboard you’re buying. If you study its history, you’ll be able to identify the issues that you might be facing in the future.
When you’re buying an outboard, you don’t want to have to worry about things like troubleshooting. Most people want a motor that just works the way it is supposed to work. If an outboard has worked very well in the past, it stands to reason that this outboard will continue to work well in the future. As mentioned above, outboards tend to last for a long time.
Who Is The Manufacturer?
When you look at an outboard, you should check to see who produced the product you are looking at. Brand names can mean a lot when it comes to products like outboards. That’s why you should always check to see who the manufacturer of the outboard you’re looking at is.
You should ask this question even if you don’t know a lot about outboard manufacturers. After all, you can always research the manufacturer afterwards The goal of your questions should be to find a product that you can be happy with. If you buy a motor made by an excellent manufacturer, it’s safe to assume that you will be very happy with your new purchase.
Is The Serial Number Of The Motor Still Visible?
You should definitely try to avoid purchasing a motor with a serial number that is no longer visible. There are a few reasons for this. First off, a scratched-off serial number can be a sign of a bigger problem. Stolen outboards often have their serial numbers removed so that they can’t be traced.
Being able to see the serial number will also allow you to see even more about the product you’re buying. If you want to learn as much about your outboard as you possibly can, then you are going to want to be able to see the serial number. If you can’t see it, you may have some problems.
Can I See The Internal Condition Of The Motor?
A lot of motors look amazing on the service. However, when you open them up and take a closer look, you can see that the internal portion of the motor is a lot less appealing that the external portion.
If you’re already asking questions when buying used outboards, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask to see a motor’s insides. A lot of places that sell used outboards will be more than happy to give you a closer look if you want one.
What Will My Shipping Costs Be?
If you are having an outboard shipped to you, you will have to think about more than the base price of the outboard. You are also going to have to consider your shipping costs. Figure out what your typical shipping costs are going to be. Once you know what you’re spending on shipping, you’ll be able to get a clearer picture on the item’s price.
This is especially important if you are going to be comparing different outboards to each other. If you’re looking for a real bargain, you should aim to get the best possible deal. If you find an online retailer that sells used outboards with free shipping, you’ll know that they probably have some real deals in their store.
When Was The Water Pump Impeller Last Replaced?
Motors have parts that need to be replaced from time to time. A prime example of this is the water pump impeller. This is something that will need to be replaced on occasion.
You should find out when the pump impeller on the outboard you’re considering was last replaced. If it hasn’t been replaced for a long time, you may have to replace it on your own. That’s another expense that you are going to have to cover.
On the other hand, if the pump was recently replaced, you may be able to save yourself some money and some hassle. Outboards with newly replaced parts can offer a tremendous amount of value to buyers.
Does This Motor Have Gear Shift Issues?
While a lot of outboards that are used still function perfectly, there are some motors that do have issues. Gear shift issues are particularly common. It’s not always easy easy to shift from one gear to another as it should be.
When you’re talking to someone about an outboard motor, you should ask them about whether or not the motor has gear shift issues. If it does have some issues, you may want to avoid buying it. If you want to have fun while you are boating, you won’t want gear shifting to be a major hassle.
What Kind Of Shape Is The Fuel Line In?
If the fuel tank, fuel line, or fuel line primer has deteriorated in some way, you could find up having a lot of issues with it. While you should look at the big picture when you evaluate used outboards, you should focus on the fuel line in particular.
If, for example, your fuel line primer bulb has deteriorated, it may be hard to pump regardless of whether or not it is hooked up to a tank. This can be a major problems.
You’re not going to want to deal with fuel line problems; they can really be a nightmare. You’ll be a lot happier if you buy a motor that has a fuel line that is in great shape.
What Comes With The Motor?
When you purchase a used outboard, you should find out what is included. Don’t assume that the outboard you are going to be purchasing comes with everything that you need. In some cases, there are going to be parts that are missing.
People generally want to buy used because they want to save money. If you want to save a lot of money, you’re going to want to make sure that your motor comes with all the essential parts. If your used outboard is lacking certain parts, you are the one that is going to have to shell out for them.
Does This Motor Meet My Needs?
If you see a great price on an outboard motor, you may be tempted to take advantage of that price. Most people have a hard time saying no to an exceptional deal. However, you shouldn’t buy a used outboard because it is a bargain. You should think about whether or not the motor actually meets your needs.
Before you start seriously looking at outboard motors, you should think about what you need those motors to do. What do you want from this motor? Is the motor you’re looking at the right fit for the board that you own?
If you want to buy products you love, you can’t focus on the price alone. You need to choose products that are right for you.
It’s smart to ask questions when buying used outboards. Sometimes, asking a question can save you a lot of money and a lot of hassle. Don’t make things any more complicated than they have to be. Ask questions so that you can get exactly what you want.